Friday, March 02, 2007

beauty and the beast..

it's been a while..
didn't feel the need to update this as my bankroll continually grew whilst i moved up through the levels without problems..
..that was until i hit 2/4nl...

last night saw the final nail in the coffin hammered in as i witnessed the demise of my bankroll from over a 10k high to a measly $200..
for the past 2weeks i've been continuously trying to conquer 2/4nl without the least bit of success..
moving back down to 1/2 would have been the wise option of course but the beast that is tilt (and stupidity) forced me to try to reclaim my losses... unsuccessfully..

i'm now left with pathetic $200 in my neteller account, and a sore head.. talk about learning a lesson the hard way..

poker has afforded me a pretty nice lifestyle over the past few months and as dumb as it may sound, to lose my measly $200 would mean the end of my online poker experience as i can't see myself ever depositing again.. so however much i feel the urge to lump it into a 1/2 game, i know i can't..
it's time to hit the .5/.10 tables and begin a new challenge.. lol_determination..

in the meantime, poker is on hold until i clear my head.. so sick..

$200 (lol?)


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